Tuesday, June 21, 2016

China built several shoals into a formidable fortress and militarize it...

Henry E. Samonte May 29 · We speak of treaties, the question is whether the other party respected treaties. We, all the time was expecting that all nations particularly China, who has a claim on the territory would respect the protocol, and refrain from acts might agitate other claimants. China unilaterally placed a giant oil platform or oil rig right at the doorstep of Vietnam, and in our case, China built several shoals into a formidable fortress and militarize it. In fact, it has already install batteries of surface to air missiles and anti-ship missiles. Therefore, China has violated all known civilize way of dealing with its neighbor. He is exercising a GUN-BOAT DIPLOMACY in which strong nations assert their will on weaker nations. My suggestion to our incoming administration is don't be an adventurist. Let us first abide on whatever decision may come out on our complaint in the UNCLOS. Direct talk with China according to Supreme Court Justice Carpio is an act of TREASON. Besides, when it concerns People's Republic of China conflict with Japan on the East China Sea, Chinese government is resorting to the provision in the UNCLOS, yet, when it involves our claim we filed in the UNCLOS, China would not acknowledge it. This is nothing but a double standard or double-talk on the part of China. "Under the United Nations' Law of the Sea, the PRC claims the disputed ocean territory as its own Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) due to its being part of PRC's natural extension of its continental shelf, while Japan claims the disputed ocean territory as its own EEZ because it is within 200 nautical miles (370 km) from Japan's coast, and proposed a median line as the boundary between the EEZ of China and Japan." Like Like Love Haha Wow Sad Angry CommentShare 1010 1 comment 2 shares Comments Lourdes Sindanum Lourdes Sindanum I BELIEVE YOU HENRY...WITH THE HELP OF THESE COUNTRIES WE CAN RECOVER WHAT IS REALLY OURS. Like · Reply · 1 · May 29 at 11:18am Oscar del Rosario Write a comment... Choose File

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