Monday, August 8, 2016

Petra McLoughlin

Petra McLoughlin Like This Page · April 11 · The change of seasons always brings a new perspective on life for me. The expectancy and excitement of summer has passed here in the southern hemisphere, and the slowing down and wrapping up in warm clothes of autumn has commenced. My current garden is akin to Mars: its baron, there’s lots of rock in it, minimal habitation, and fairly uninspiring. The arrival of autumn has brought a little much-needed rain and the “garden” has responded by sprouting some weeds. 6 months ago in spring I had left the arrival of them, hoping they would just go away and it took a marathon effort to extract them from the ground. They had taken root with fervour, spread and amassed in numbers. This time I thought it would be a good idea to get onto them ASAP and not have such a difficult task. As I plucked them with ease out of the ground one by one, I thought of the similarities of negative thoughts in our minds. How if they are left unchecked they can dig in and take root. It we continue to have access to food and water how they fester and can take over, inhabiting the space there is for all the good and positive thoughts. Much Love, Petra x LikeCommentShare Chronological 1919 2 Comments 3 shares Comments Bobby J Smith Bobby J Smith S2S with <3 Like · Reply · 1 · April 13 at 6:43pm Petra McLoughlin Petra McLoughlin Thank you <3 Like · Reply · April 15 at 7:17am Greg Dutilly Greg Dutilly Sharing with ❤️ Like · Reply · 1 · April 14 at 1:39am Petra McLoughlin Petra McLoughlin Thank you <3 Like · Reply · April 15 at 7:17am

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